September 6-7, 2013: Digital HPS Meeting 2013 in Bloomington, IN

The Digital HPS Consortium held its annual workshop and meeting September 6 and 7, 2013, at Indiana University Bloomington. Bill Newman and Wally Hooper hosted the event, and can be contacted with further questions regarding the program. The program itinerary is posted below, as well as the minutes and the new consortium appointment that arose from that meeting.

Digital HPS Consortium Meeting Announcement:
Our hosts have arranged with local hotels to set aside thirty rooms (24 singles, 6 doubles) for the nights of September 5, 6, and 7. The doubles and singles are in the Indiana Memorial Union, which is right on campus. The other rooms are located at the Marriott Courtyard downtown, which is about a ten-minute walk from the location of our meeting. For the Indiana Memorial Union, three types of rooms are available. For the Marriott, room sizes will have to be discussed with the staff.

Indiana Memorial University (no breakfast)
2 Queen Beds: $155 plus tax per night
2 Double Beds: $145 plus tax per night
1 Double Bed: $105 plus tax per night

Marriot Courtyard Bloomington (with breakfast)
All rooms, $152

As in the past, the workshop will be pay-as-you-come. Although two blocks of hotel rooms have been booked, it will be up to the participants to formalize their registration directly with the hotels. You will need to do this as soon as possible–the very last date for finalizing bookings will be July 31.

All flights should be booked to Indianapolis. There are two convenient and cheap shuttle services that take about an hour to get to Bloomington. They are:
Bloomington Shuttle:
Star of America:

When you arrive in Bloomington, you should get dropped off at the IMU.

Southern Indiana is usually beautiful that time of year, with rolling limestone hills and deciduous forests like those in Kentucky. Our hosts are also hoping to arrange a tour of the Lilly Library, which has a remarkable collection of rare books, as it represents the collecting efforts (and funding) of a founder who was a member of the same family that started Eli Lilly pharmaceuticals. In addition, since Indiana University has a major School of Informatics, the workshop will incorporate a number of talks by local experts in digital humanities and related computational fields if time permits.

Program for Meeting:

Revised Program (8-22-13) - Digital HPS Workshop, Bloomington

Friday, September 6
8:00 (Goodbody Hall 107) Breakfast
9:15 (IMU – Dogwood Room) Welcome
9:30 John Walsh (IU) on Digital Humanities
10:00 Robert McDonald, Beth Plale (IU) on Hathi Trust
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 André De Tienne (IUPUI) - "CORPUS: Designing a Collaborative Online Research Platform for Users of Scholarly Editions."
11:30 David Bodenhamer (IUPUI) – “The Challenge and Potential of Spatial Humanities”
12:00 (Goodbody 107) Lunch
1:00 Katy Börner and Scott Weingart (IU) on network analysis and related projects
1:30 Erick Peirson and Julia Damerow (ASU) - "Don't panic! Vogon 2.0: Products and Progress in the Sonoran Desert"
2:00 – 2:15 Coffee Break
2:15 Trish Rose-Sandler and Daron Dierkes (CBI, UMSL) - “Revealing and Contextualizing the treasures of the Biodiversity Heritage Library: the Art of Life and Engelmann projects.”
2:45 Colin Allen (IU) - "Digging for Philosophy in the Sciences"
3:15 Bill Newman and Wally Hooper (IU) on the Chymistry of Isaac Newton
4:00 Tour of the Lilly Library by Joel Silver (IU)
5:00 – 6:30 Informal discussion at the Irish Lion Pub
Participants on their own for dinner in “downtown” Bloomington

Saturday, September 7
8:30 (Goodbody Hall 107) Breakfast
9:30 (IMU Dogwood Room) Scott Walter (U. of Lorraine) on French Digital HPS projects.
10:00 Stephen Weldon Sylwester Ratowt (OU): “Digital Classification and Tagging of Bibliographical Objects in the Isis History of Science Data”
10:30 Alison Pearn (U. of Cambridge) –"The Darwin Correspondence Project and Cambridge Digital Library: update"
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 David Kohn (AMNH) on the Darwin Manuscript Project
12:00 Jane Maienschein (ASU) on Collaborating, Coordinating, and Connecting
12:20 Erica O’Neil (ASU) on the web aspects of DigitalHPS
12:30 Dirk Wintergruen (MPIWG) on current developments within DARIAH-DE/EU and the MPIWG
1:00 (Goodbody Hall 107) Lunch
2:30 – 5:00 Panel Discussion, Planning Meeting

Map of Indiana University Bloomington Campus
Indiana Memorial Union (abbreviation: UB, can be found on the map in D1)
Goodbody Hall (abbreviation: GB, can be found on the map in D2)

Minutes from the 10th Annual Consortium Meeting in Bloomington, Indiana:

Digital HPS Consortium Meeting, Fall 2013

Next Year's Meeting:
Fall 2014 Digital History and Philosophy of Science Consortium Meeting
Organized by? Olivier Bruneau, Scott Walter and others
Where? Nancy, France
When? Early September
Length? Possible two part meeting. First part open to European digital projects to serve as introduction to DHPS, combination of training with standards and methods. Second part more traditional meeting of the DHPS Consortium.

Appointed Positions:
Steering Committee and Chairs:
Co-chair: Urs Schoepflin (Max Planck Institute)
Co-chair: Scott Walter (The Poincaré Correspondence Project, University of Lorraine)
1. Alison Pearn (Cambridge University)
2. Rick Creath (Arizona State University)
3. David Kohn (Darwin Manuscript Project)
4. Kerry Magruder (Oklahoma University)
5. Scott Weingart (Indiana University)

Rotating position, chair will appoint someone to take notes every meeting.

Editors for website:
Jane Maienschein (Arizona State University)
Matt Person (Biodiversity Heritage Library, Marine Biological Laboratory)
Erica O’Neil (Arizona State University)

Working Groups:
Dissolved in response to inactivity in past years.

Action Items:
For presenters at this year’s conference:
1. Abstract of presentation at this conference, for publication to the website. Optional: May include powerpoint with summary slides, a youtube video of your presentation, or any other materials to accompany the talks.

General tasks discussed, to be appointed by Steering Committee:
1. Report about this meeting for publication: Alison Pearn volunteers to begin process. Option of including others and editing through google docs, with video or traditional conference call to collaborate.
2. Grant proposal for training: Bill and Wally to start process, with hopes of a collaborative, international, multi-institution training program on behalf of the Consortium.
3. Standards: Defining best practices of Consortium, using existing digital projects as exemplars. Catapult Center example proposed. Discussion of 2 separate issues: what are standards and where are standards, versus what sort of standards are people using and how can we learn from each other.
Erick Pierson, et al. at ASU will be presenting a panel at HSS in November, which can serve as a useful in person collaborative period to reflect on tasks assigned or challenges encountered.
4. Website aims: Create survey to query usability and where consortium members see future of website going. Increase social media presence. Create project page for the World History of Science Online (with Stephan Weldon), and ensure DHPS projects are represented in that listing. Set up RSS feed across established projects with blogs to aggregate updates (BHL, Darwin projects, etc.). Link to pieces published about DHPS. Yearly update of project information, possible RSS feed. Display “How to get involved” link with email sign-up prominent on front page.
5. Establish article series alternative to publication in traditional journals, something similar to the Stanford Literary Lab, which publishes pamphlets instead of journal articles, which are academically well received. Bill proposes that Indiana University volunteer to start off an article series.
6. Publish minutes of the DHPS meeting.

Going forward to Nancy:
1. Circulate potential white paper topic for discussion in Nancy: On current topic yet to be determined (advocacy for open access, etc.). Topic to be agreed upon ahead of time, discussed at meeting, and published later to present different views on a point. Takes advantage of immediacy of conference.
2. Publish minutes of the DHPS meeting to website after the meeting.
3. Consider outreach panels at different society meetings with points of intersection to DHPS. For instance, the History of Science Society 2013 meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. Contact Erick Peirson if interested in participating (

Indiana University Bloomington
Bloomington, IN