April 12-15, 2012: Model Organisms and Bioinformatics Workshop

We hope to develop and refine some bioinformatics tools to inform key debates about the choice of model organisms in developmental biology and neuroscience. Several distinct literatures have arisen in regard to the use and justification of model organisms in biology. These literatures are mainly conceptual in content, reflecting the experiences and perspectives of biologists, historians, and philosophers; a few contributions have an empirical basis, as well. The objectives for this workshop are to enable better conceptual and empirical research, whether the focus is particular animals, questions, research trajectories, or whatever else piques our joint interests.

The workshop will involve hands-on development and application of bioinformatics tools for searching, building timelines, creating and annotating repositories, and facilitating serendipity. If you have any specific ideas for group projects, or questions about model organisms that you need particular tools to be able to answer, please let us know. Further information about this workshop and a formal call for participants will go out in early 2012.

Marine Biological Laboratory
Woods Hole, Massachussets