Vogon is a desktop application for annotating texts with quadruples. Quadruples consist of a relationship triplet, which contains what the researcher annotating the text interprets as relevant information, and contextual information. Contextual information is for example information about the annotated text and information about the annotator. For example, the sentence "Biology is the study of life" could be annotated with < Biology - is - study of life – said author X in book Y annotated by Z>. Quadruples are uploaded to a common repository so that they can be searched and analyzed.
Vogon is implemented in Java and is based on the Eclipse framework. Vogon is released under the Eclipse Public License.
Vogon also includes a component to support the Embryo Project. This component lets users load Word files in DOCX-format that are marked up according to the Embryo Project Workflow (e.g. a text consists of title, text, author, and references, links are highlighted, etc.) into Vogon. Vogon then enables a user to do the following:
Highlighted terms are recognized as links. For these links urls, relationships and PIDs (Embryo Project specific) can be specified.
Lists of relationships can be loaded into Vogon from an Excel-file. These lists can then be used to automatically find relationships that are specified for the links in a text.
Lists of PIDs with corresponding keywords can be loaded into Vogon from an Excel-file. Vogon uses these lists to automatically find PIDs for links. Texts can be exported as XHTML A tutorial about how to use Vogon for Embryo Project article editing can be found at http://gobtan.sourceforge.net/tutorials/embryo/index.html.