
February 26-27, 2011: Digital Editions and the History & Philosophy of Science Online

On Saturday April 16, 2011, in the meeting room of the Einstein Papers, the Digital HPS Consortium was established. The mission was: "To develop, support, and promote digital HPS projects, including editing, publishing, and scholarly tools to make this possible. Insofar as possible, and recognizing the challenges and constraints, the Consortium is committed to open source and open access products."

October 15-16, 2010: Embryo Project Editorial Workshop

This workshop is part of the NSF-funded Embryo Project. The Embryo Project Encyclopedia has been established, and is accumulating short entry-level descriptive articles written largely by students. Other objects include photographs, videos, timelines, and archival materials. The next step is to determine whether and how to expand the type of entries and to set up standards and a process for additional entries.
